1. Target
To prepare a plan for the mobility in the city, TJI resolves to:
- Guide the city administration to plan and implement needed initatives for improved transport system in the greater Jodhpur area;
- Make available public transport within 10 minutes of walking from place of work, home or activity;
- Integrate land use and transport planning; and
- Offer equity to all sections of the society (including urban poor and differently-abled).
2. Immediate Actions:
To achieve the stated targets, TJI will:
- Study current mobility pattern of people and goods rather than of just vehicles, review the current transport systems in the city, and identify the needs and gaps for futuristic transport;
- Work towards efficient network structure (transport hierarchy, system reliability, schedule coordination, transfers); and
- Suggest possible improvements in the infrastructure and promote public transport, including: (a) Alternate modes of transport, like non-motorized vehicles, bicycles and pedestrian walkways, and (b) Effective use of ICT for facilitating users of the timings and for assuring safe transit.