
The Jodhpur Initiative


The Jodhpur Initiative recognises that the city of Jodhpur is changing its road habits from the informal to the formal – from sparse population to large population, and from roundabouts at road junctions to signal lights. Coupled with this are the facts that (a) the mechanism of issuing driver’s license lacks rigour, and (b) many persons with age less than the legal limit drive motorised vehicles, even to secondary and senior schools every day... The consequence of this is that the city has large number of accidents in a year – many of them are fatal ones.

On the other hand, the facilitating the convenience of tourists has not addressed by the public transport – clean, hygienic, convenient, affordable, safe, timely and punctual. That is what a tourist gets in the places that are designed and prepared to be tourist-sensitive. Jodhpur has to rise on this ladder…

1. Target

To prepare a plan for the mobility in the city, TJI resolves to:

  1. Guide the city administration to plan and implement needed initatives for improved transport system in the greater Jodhpur area;
  2. Make available public transport within 10 minutes of walking from place of work, home or activity;
  3. Integrate land use and transport planning; and
  4. Offer equity to all sections of the society (including urban poor and differently-abled).

2. Immediate Actions:

To achieve the stated targets, TJI will:

  1. Study current mobility pattern of people and goods rather than of just vehicles, review the current transport systems in the city, and identify the needs and gaps for futuristic transport;
  2. Work towards efficient network structure (transport hierarchy, system reliability, schedule coordination, transfers); and
  3. Suggest possible improvements in the infrastructure and promote public transport, including: (a) Alternate modes of transport, like non-motorized vehicles, bicycles and pedestrian walkways, and (b) Effective use of ICT for facilitating users of the timings and for assuring safe transit.

© Copyright 2016 The Jodhpur Initiative.